Call For Art Immersive/Interactive Installation

Immersive or Interactive Art Exhibit SF Bay Area, California:
Request for Proposal. (aka Studio 23) is working on a plan for a multi-room, multi-artists, interactive, immersive art exhibit space in Alameda, CA. We are in the early stages of creating a budget and plan. We would like to gauge interest and explore feasibility. 

If you aren’t familiar with Studio 23 and ArtPush, we are a Alameda based artists-run nonprofit who has been putting on regular events in Alameda since 2013 (and long before in other parts of the country). We have a lot of experience in this area and we feel very confident that it can be successful.

The loose theme is currently “Step into another dimension”. There will be rooms with all black light, rooms with immersive video, giant LED sculptures, walls filled with video screens, giant sculptures, etc. 

We want to get a space up and running, sell tickets, and share the proceeds among the exhibiting artists.

We are looking for exciting and dynamic artists (teams or individuals) who would like to create a room, an experience, a installation, whatever you think would be good in a giant art funhouse from another dimension. 

We are working on raising money and applying for grants. We do not have an endowment so cost will be a factor when deciding what exhibits to install. We have a lot of plans for fundraising, but a proof of concept will go a long way.

Exhibits must be complete before installation! Artists will have a window of one week max to move and assemble an exhibit in the assigned space. We will have a team of volunteers and staff that will assist with installing exhibits. That reminds me: ?subject=Volunteers">we need volunteers to assist artists installing exhibits.

We believe we can create something amazing and magical. Something real and unreal at the same time. A new dimension where one can step inside and experience a different reality, if only for a couple hours.

If you are still reading at this point you probably are into it, fill out this short form and tell us about it.

You can also email us if you have questions before you submit.

Here is some inspiration and some of the things we envision:

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