EAST BAY ARTISTS | ArtPush.org | California

ArtPush’s main goal in creating the East Bay Art Book was to keep the artist’s work “In Your Face” during 2020, 2021 & 2022.
Purchase books at https://store.bookbaby.com now! 2020, 2021, 2022
In spite of galleries, retail shops, studios & cafes closing during the Covid pandemic, ArtPush found a new way to reach out to art lovers in the east bay and beyond. Artists are able to submit any piece of work from over the last 10 years to be featured in the East Bay Artists 2022 book. Their work will be displayed along with their direct contact information. Books will be available online until they run out.
The East Bay Art Book is a 100-page full-color art book showcasing the best of East Bay Art! This is a juried, fine art book including some of the East Bay’s most talented artists. The book will include but is not limited to Printmaking, Mixed Media, Paintings, Sculptures, Photographs & Illustrations. #eastbayartists2020 #eastbayartists2021 #eastbayartists2022 @artpushorg

The East Bay Art Book was driven in part by the COVID-19 Pandemic when visiting galleries and studios has not been possible. But the real inspiration came from the incredible diversity and creativity of the hundreds of artists who have exhibited their work and been part of ArtPush activities over the past several years. This art book is a celebration of this time, of the artists featured in this book and to all artists everywhere. We feel privileged and fortunate to have among us so many talented and generous artists. Art is needed to inspire and support connection among us all. We are deeply thankful to all those who contribute to this book.
Art Selection Process
Selecting which art to include in this book is a challenging task because of the large number of excellent art submissions. Only works from artists living or working in the East Bay qualify for inclusion in the evaluation process. Images submitted that are below resolution qualities necessary for printing are automatically eliminated. In order to make the judging process as fair and unbiased as possible an online scoring application was developed so that each judge can evaluate submissions in private.
The online scoring system lists each image by number without identifying the artist. ArtPush board members evaluate work based on a scale of 1-5; Originality, Craftsmanship, Elements of Art, Composition, Unity & Variety, Medium & Texture, Use of Space, Presentation and Degree of Difficulty. Final selections are chosen from artworks that received the highest overall score.
We deeply appreciate everyone who submitted their artwork regardless of whether or not the work is featured. 100% of proceeds from online sales of this book are donated to the non-profit ArtPush.

ArtPush is a non-profit organization established in 2019 by a group of artists in Alameda, California dedicated to promoting arts and artists in the Bay Area. ArtPush promotes and sponsors art activities in partnership with local groups, organizations, and businesses. It is our belief that through art events, classes, meetups & projects we are able to strengthen a sense of well being at individual levels as well as building cohesive relationships among community members of diverse backgrounds and ethnicity. Learn more about ArtPush at our website ArtPush.org.
The books are available for purchase at https://store.bookbaby.com All proceeds go to benefit ArtPush.org